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HOW TO MAKE A POKEMON TEAMTOC1. contact2. rules3. how to make3. 5 teams you can [email protected] may take a while to respond to questionsRULESDon't ask me if It doesn't pertain to what is in the guideDon't send more than one email with the same question. If you want to use this guide please ask me first.HOW TO MAKE A TEAMTo Make a team you must do two things, 1, know who you are fighting, and 2, know how to compliment typesThe example team is used against liza and tate, who require a good amount of compliment to fight. Liza and tates stats areThey open up with an xatu (L41) and a claydol (L41)Then follow up with a solrock (L42) and lunatone (L42)You will first off need to know that level is important in here, if you are fighting with mid 30 pokemon, your gonna lose, but if you fight even leveled, youll win. But if you are too strong, you don't learn anything.Start off with a pokemon that flies, or has a good defense against ground. Claydol uses earthquake, and it does a lot of damage per turn. Also remember that xatu can use electricity, so be very tedious with you pokemon. I chose gardevoir (L41) and shedinja (L41). although in the first 3 rounds of fighting I lost shedinja, I managed to defeat the main threat of claydol. I substituted out for gyarados(L39) and golem/gravaler(L40). Using hydro pump I obliterated xatu in 2 turns, but lost him to lunatone. I pulled out my trump card, a crawdaunt(L40) and destroyed the lunatone in 2 turns with crab hammer. The last few turns I pulled out gardevoir and golem to go after solrock, who had begun to use solar beam a few turns back. I used psychic/ psybeam and rock throw to beat him.My team was;Gardevoir(L41)Shedinja(L41)Gyarados(L39)Golem(L40)Crawdaunt(L40)And just for backup, Machoke(L40)That is how you use complements to win a fight, but compliments are also important in teams, say you don't know who you are fighting, or you want a well rounded team, you pick your basic pokemon, say a shellgon, its weakness is ice, so throw a fire pokemon in, say a ninetails. Ninetails' weakness is water, so throw in a thunder pokemon like raichu. Raichus' weakness is ground, so throw a grass pokemon in like bellosom, whos weakness is fire, so add gyarados, weak against electric, so add sandslash, who is weak against water, grass and ice, which we have all the compliments of (thunder, and fire)That team is now;ShellgonNinetailsRaichubellosomgyaradossandslashthat is how you compliment your own team to be ready for any attack the above team is not the perfect team, so if you threw a dark pokemon against them, it could be defeated, just not as easily. A dragon would also be a glitch in the team, as well as psychic. Steel is not, because it is weak against fire. as shown in the above tate and liza situation, you can also compliment your team in a biased fashion, or towards one or two types. 3 teams based on compliments;1.(the above example team)(moves of your choice)(this is the experimental team)2. crawdaunt with the movesCrab hammer, hidden power, bubble beam, body slam, and/or icy windrhydon with the moveshorn drill, earth quake, mega kick, mega horn, and/or bodyslamraichu with the moves thunder bolt, slam, mega punch, dig, and/or iron tailtorkoal with the movesheat wave, flamethrower (preferred to heat wave), eruption (for the daring), secret power, iron tail, and/or sludge bombkedabra w/ the moves psychic, future sight, shock wave, shadow ball, and/or seismic tossvigoroth w/ the moves slash, sleep talk(jkjkjkjkjkjk), focus punch, aerial ace, flame thrower, and/or solarbeam3. legendary team. this team is only recommended for people battling people as the battles get easy and you learn nothingRayquaza w/ the movesDragon claw, extreme speed, outrage, thunderbolt, and/or body slamGroudon w/ the movesSolar beam(highly recommended), earthquake, fire punch, shock wave, and/or fissureKyogre w/ the movesAncient power, hydro pump, water spout, thunder bolt, and/or rock slideRegisteel w/ movesZap cannon, super power, explosion, ancient power, and/or thunder punchMetagross w/ the movesMeteor mash, psychic, shadow ball, earth quake, and/or swiftSalamence w/ the movesDragon claw, crunch, flamethrower, fly, aerial ace, and/or headbut, and/or any power raising move (being the strongest pkmn in the game, the stronger he is the more likely you are to be undefeatable at a low level)

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